Premarital sex has been a major problem in a circle of students under 20 years old and has caused serious illness and many detriments for the girls. This apprehensive problem has to be prevented from now before it happens to our children.
Based on the survey of The Health of Indonesian Youth Reproduction (SKRRI) in 2003, 30.9% boys and 34.7% girls in the age between 15 until 19 years state that they have ever had sex with their mates. This fact does not include the other students or teenagers who are not involved in the survey or noted in the data, so the real number of premarital sex victim must be more than the percentage.
This year, 2010, we can make a logical assumption that the growth of this problem has increased slowly for the way Indonesian youth socialize and see things is not anymore based on the cultural value of their ancestor but the western culture. It is reflected from the dress or clothing style they wear which is more vulgar, especially girls, and the habit of enjoying night life which is identical with negative freedom.
Actually the choice of being a member of Moon Community, the name for people who enjoy night life the most, cannot be judged as a wrong choice, but in this case, Moon Community is not fit for the unstable emotion of youth under 20 years old who usually have not been able to filter which one is allowed and which one is not.
When teenagers have begun to think by using the mind of western, they must consider sex as only a small part of glamorous lifestyle so the possibility for them to suffer from Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and do the abortion is getting more obvious.
One of the surprising fact happened in Bandung Indonesia in April 2010. The researchers from The Community of HIV-AIDS Care Indonesia found that 120 students in Gondanglegi do the premarital sex with more than one mates so their vital condition is very susceptible to be infected by AIDS.
Seeing the spread of premarital sex has reached even a small sub district, as parents we have to be more concern of every change of our children, whether it is a progress or a regress, especially we live in Jakarta, the big city which is full of risky things.
Being suspicious is now very needed because these days teenagers are often smarter than their parents in hiding mistakes they have done or something they do secretly, so we better check everything from them. To be more natural, we can start to have a talk with them and discuss about everything freely so they will feel comfortable to share things they would like to say in the next time. That way, it will be easier for us to know the changes of our children.
Not only checking, we must also participate in informing them the right knowledge about sex and AIDS. Do not let our children search information from the internet without any guard. It is important because the participation of parents in socializing them to children is very worth because usually parents’ explanation psychologically is easier to remember and children tend to obey it more. Besides, the explanation on the internet is often wrong or unclear, so our participation can also avoid misunderstanding.
This effort must really be done by all parents who care to their children because there is only 1% parents in Indonesia who tell their children about sex and AIDS education and the rest is the percentage of teenagers who try to find out information from the internet. This data represents the lack of communication in family and there is no result indicates that this fact is not a problem.
Moreover, premarital sex can also cause abortion. Because the prime risk or impact of abortion is not death, like AIDS, its practice is sometimes considered as a simple thing by several people, whereas, their disobedience to the danger of abortion will lead them to death.
World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that there are 4, 2 million practices of abortion per year in the world and about 1, 5 million ones are practiced in Indonesia while 2.500 of the entire number are dead because of the mistakes of doing abortion.
And the last thing which is also very important to remember is the fate of female students or teenagers who become the victim of premarital sex. In this case, women have always been the ones who are going to be the worst victim of doing premarital sex. Men can avoid admitting that they are not virgin anymore but women cannot. We can imagine if our daughters who should have a bright future have to stop dreaming of a good prince who will be their future husband because they lost their virginity.
It is true that nowadays men consider virginity as the main thing a woman must have in order to be their wife. It is sometimes very ironic actually because it is men who cause women to lost their virginity or at least some of them have ever decided to have sex but they arrogantly have that unfair requirement later after they do not have any relationship with their ex mates.
Facing those truths, as parents we must start from now to keep our children very well and avoid them from the causes that can make them victims of premarital sex. Let our daughters and sons know that everything will be beautiful in the right time.
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Wonderful Nida. It's exactly what an academic essay should look like. You obviously have no problems in expressing yourself through writing. Well done!