Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Busy Uai

Dinar Mukminia Asokya


Writing 5 A


My campus, Al Azhar Indonesia University (UAI) is always busy in the afternoon, especially every 11 up to 13 o clock. It is triggered by everyone who has business with his stomach. Everybody wants to eat. Everybody feels tired. Everybody wants to relax for a while. Let me begin to visualize the situation when the afternoon class is over.

The door at every class is opened by starving monsters called students. One by one comes out from the class spreading some auras on their faces. From my view, at the right side there are students giving “I do not understand what my lecturer explain in that class” faces. They are ready to do some more searching activity, or might copy-paste, to finish a hill of assignment from the very smart lecturer. I guess in my mind what subject they are taken.

Please accompany me to go to the restroom to rid the coffee I drank this morning. As I am walking to the restroom, at the left of my ear, I catch some gossip conversation that blows up a love story of their friends. I do not care because they are not my friends. If they were my friends, I would participate with them, I mean start gossiping.

When I get in to the restroom, urine smell ready to welcome me, especially at this crowded hour. I have to queue up like at the cinema toilet when the movie is finished. I ask to myself that was everybody drink coffee this morning.

While I am waiting, my eyes cannot stop looking at the girls in front of the mirror. They stay pretty after a half study day, why they cannot stop put powder to their face. They might want to tell others that they have a side job as a clown after the class over.

My turn to use the toilet is coming. However, when I open the door I am disturbed by a bad habit that never changes, squatting on the seat toilet. The girl before me just left trail shoes that are very, so much, dirty. She has a lack of sight until she cannot read the rule “do not squat on the seat toilet” which is written and is taped in each toilet door. Let me make this restroom part shorter or I am going to vomit.

Move to the busiest area in UAI when the lunch time coming, it is called food court. UAI’s food court is not huge, but it has many variety foods to buy. You have to know that total of tables in there are impossible to contain all of students. That is why food court is always so crowded, because everybody wants to eat there, even the lecturer too.

The sound of radio speaker, voices of food seller, yelling from the food order, and cars’ noisy sounds are mix into a very loud bee hiss. I never understand why the builders unified the parking and the eating area. You do not have to imagine how it is. It must be terrible.

Sometimes I do not want to eat in the food court. I better to go out of campus because there are many food sellers too in there. I can breathe fresh air. Unfortunately, I cannot do it longer because of the smoke from the roast chicken seller. I can be a smoke human if I sit there so long.

To make it shorter, I conclude that UAI will very busy, has a dirty toilet, so much noisy, and it has no place to eat comfortably without inhale smoke in the afternoon.

1 komentar:

  1. Wow, Qya, I loved it! You nailed the descriptive in your essay very well! But, you need to work a bit on your grammar. Other than that, excellent job!
