-Terry Southern-
To make a readable essay, the first thing you have to consider is not the language aspect, such as grammar or vocabulary, but the composition of your paper itself.
In making a good essay, the first step is to choose your topic. Decide what topic you want to write. It is better to choose a topic that you're familiar with. If you know nothing about music, then don't write about it. You can choose your topic by thinking about things you like the most. Anything that you know the best is the right choice.
Next, decide about what you will say. You have to be careful of using your words. Because if you made a small mistake, the impact will be bigger than the blunder you made. For example, you choose to talk about football as your theme. But football is a general theme. There are so many things you can say about football. This is the time you have to make a decision. Either you write about the game of football itself or a football player or other things related to football. It is you who decide. You can free your thoughts but stay focus on your topic and arguments.
After that, choose the form you want to use. There are many variation of essays you can apply. There is narrative style, descriptive style, process essay (like I use in this writing), and many more. Each of the form has different paragraph development. It is up to you to decide which form represents your communication style.
In you essay, you have to had, at least, one reasonable judgement. This will become your final conclusion of your writing. It has to be reasonably persuasive, because it will be your "final blow" of your thesis statement. In addition, your judgement has to be strong, or your so-called long argument will be nothing, then in the future, your readers may underestimate you.
The last step of writing an essay is to choose your readers. They are the reason why you always had lack of sleep every night because you push yourself hard to understand about essay writing. Knowing who's your audience and you will know which topic and tone you should use in your article. If you could give them unique topic using the right tone, congratulation, you will have your dedicated fans.
Now you have known the composition of writing an essay. It is your decision to follow the process I have given you or not. I just want to remind you once more that you do not have to worry about the language structure. As long as you have strong argument and you could focus on developing it, your essay will be worth to enjoy. Just write what you want to say. Do not afraid to express your thoughts and feelings. Last words, happy writing, folks.
Written by Dimas Rizky Pramana
Well, RP you did it again. Academic, nailed. Process essay, nailed. Astonishing read, nailed!